Hello there! Nice to meet, ya! It's me, Ha~chiro!

  • Of Legal Age (born in 2003!)

  • use he/she/they

  • 🇮🇩

  • im a Pisces and INTP if you want to know!

  • feels like im pan-fluid but im still not really sure about my gender or sexuality (╥﹏╥)

Oh, you might see me get called or find me under many aliases such as Erza, Arthe and Butter but do feel free to call me anything you're comfortable with, as long within my consent ^_^


  • I tweet mostly about Genshin and manga, also probably anime and other games, but there are times when i flood my TL with daily TMI too.

  • I might like your art, cosplays, or writings and give you a following, but if I followed you first it doesn't mean you must follow me back, read all of the requirements below before you started to follow this account.

  • Basic DNI DNF such as homophobic, transphobic, mysoginistic, xenophobic, racist and if you support people like such and/or behavior that enables them. Also adding tonedeafs, pro-capitalism and social-darwinist to the list.

  • Misuse the term Bulays. Do not follow if you think that every foreigners that speak in English is a white Westerner and if you invalidates the space for the minorities to talk about their cultures.

  • Tweet mostly in English and Indonesian, and most of the times i mix them both. I'm okay with international moots but please put that in my mind.

  • Minors are advisable to not interact with this account. I prefer to be able to enjoy NSFW contents here so make sure you already in legal age before you follow me.

  • This account is NOT spoiler and leaks free whether its Genshin or any other medias. In similar tones this account also loves to retweet fanarts time to time.

  • Sometimes can be very political. Advisable to keep away if political, religious, gender, racial or other similar topics can be triggering on you.

  • Feel free to block-unblock if this account made you uncomfortable. It's okay to just unfollow but don't blame me when i show up in your mentabs ;)


  • Cosplaying, fashions, and how to look gorgeous by all and any means!

  • Genshin of course! Proud Childe and Nahida main! Still waiting for Lyney and Lynette to come out. Venti kinnie but don't have Venti :')

  • Probably would try other games too (especially Hoyoverse's). Waiting for ZZZ, Enfield, and Wuthering Waves

  • Read and loves Dungeon Meshi, Blue Period, Oshi no Ko, Ranger Reject, Shiori Experience and many more (especially wholesome romance and psychological)!

  • My top 5 anime would be Hibike! Euphonium, Koe no Katachi, Mob Psycho 100, Railgun and A Place Further Than The Universe.